Nowadays we are bombarded with information, we have information overload. Anybody can write a book, anybody can write in the internet, have a YouTube channel, a podcast etc..
With all these information comes the nuisance of "The wrong information."
For a few months now I have had people messaging me with the craziest questions and statements in regards being a Witch. With such absurd ideas and so confused that I don't only feel sad about it, but also very upset . The common denominator? The internet, particularly TikTok and YouTube.
The most frequent issue?
"Signs you are a Witch"
Prior to engage in the dilemma of signs that your a Witch, we must take a moment to find out the meaning of such word:

According to Ronald Hutton in his book The Witch, the standard scholarly definition of a the term Witch, is “Someone who causes harm to others by mythical means”
This definition is the conclusion of the 1978 leading expert in anthropology of religion, Rodney Needham. At the present moment in the year 2020 the standard definition haven’t change much.

This is the definition in the Webster dictionary:
“ one that is credited with usually malignant supernatural powers
especially : a woman practicing usually black witchcraft often with the aid of a devil or familiar”
No matter where you go in Google the definition is more or less the same.
A different perspective :

"The word Witch comes from the Old English wicce (wiche) which
is in turn derived from the root wikk- which applies to Magick and sorcery"
RoseMary Ellen Guiley Enciclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft

The late modern Witchcraft authority Raymond Buckland, proposed that the word Witch is linked to the word wisdom with the same root as to have wit and to know and it comes from the Anglo Saxon “wicce” meaning wise one, therefore a Witch is a wise person and Witchcraft is the craft of the Wise.
So as you see, in order to correctly answer the question about if you are a Witch or not, and in order to number “signs” of being a Witch, there has to be first a specific definition of what it is to be a witch. A knowledge and awareness.
To assume that a Witch is this one thing in specific with unique characteristics is unfair and inaccurate. This idea creates frustration and confusion since this makes you believe that if you don’t have these characteristic no matter how much you love the craft you have no business being a Witch.
Instead of giving you signs, Im going to tell you: What you must do in order to be a Witch, and I hope that with this seven prerequisites I can clarify that only YOU can decide and only YOU can chose!
In order to be a Witch

1. You have to be willing to research and study for the rest of your life. You need to challenge and cross reference everything. You must not do what others tell you
without questioning it.

2. You must be open minded. You must strive to grow spiritually and mentally.

3.You can not be weak because you have to be willing to face and overcome your fears since you will be working with the unknown, the occult, the spiritual world and you will become a beacon for other existences.

4. You must have clear that light and darkness exist in a beautiful balance.

5. You must be able to control you mundane impulses.

6. You must have very clear that you will never have absolute control of the Craft.

7. Last be very clear that every action has a reaction.
All these will take dedication, sacrifices and hard work.
Stay away from being a Witch if:
You are doing this for attention.
You are afraid for any reason.
You are doing this to frivolous reasons.
You think
cool and trendy.
“Signs” that do not dictate you are a Witch at all:
The internet is filled with videos and blogs of all these signs that tell you that you are a Witch. These signs have nothing to do with being a Witch. Most of them are just simply part of the human experience and some other ones are just simply absurd:
You are intuitive
You are an empath
You are introvert
You like crystals
You like nature
You like the occult and the paranormal
You like conspiracy theories
You have agoraphobia
You are a night person
You are a feminist
You are an outsider
You are an old soul
You like cats
You have the Witch’s mark
You have prophetic dreams
You know what’s going to happen before it happens
You are clairvoyant (any Clair)
You see things
Having affinity with deities
You feel the Moon
You see auras
You like to mediate
You use your chakras
You see signs like 11:11
Light flicker around you
You have control over others
You like tea
You like to use herbs
Is in your bloodline
There are so many more! Yes many Witches will have these attributes, others will develop them after, but having any of these so called “signs” does dictate weather you are a Witch or not.
I hope these serves to clarify some things. No one can tell you if you are a Witch or not other than your self.
Be smart Witches and remember,
Stay Wicked!
With love,
I'm new here and your YouTube channel. I found you when I needed you most and. I'm beyond thankful
Hello, I want to thank you for your advice and for sharing your knowledge with us. I definitely do believe that one must always continue doing research and also the importance of cross-referencing everything that is being said. I like how you mention about how one must be open-minded, I think that is also very important when choosing this path. I enjoy watching your videos on youtube and on Facebook, again Thank you.
Great post
love this
YESSSS I luv this so much!! 🥰😘👊