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Bodily fluids in magick

Just thinking about this idea may give you repulsive thoughts, or maybe you link this to evil black magick, but in reality is just another element for your spell.

I will list some of of these "infamous" bodily fluids and their use in spell casting.


Use in spells pertaining to:

  1. Life

  2. Energy

  3. Strength

  4. Power

  5. To mark territory

  6. Offering

  7. Seal pacts

Menstrual Blood

Use in spells pertaining to:

  1. Love bindings

  2. Love domination

  3. To make a man crazy about a woman

  4. General love spells

  5. Sexuality

  6. Protection

  7. Passion

  8. Fertility

  9. Lunar Magick

Sexual Fluids


Use in spells pertaining to:

  1. Potency

  2. Stamina

  3. Strength

  4. Energy

  5. Control over a man if collected by an obsessed lover

Vaginal fluids

Use in spells pertaining to:

  1. Love

  2. Sex and sexual magnetism

  3. Pleasure

  4. Power and control (for a woman to control a lover or if collected by an obsessed lover can potentially be use control the woman)

  5. Health

  6. Good luck and good fortune

Breast Milk

  1. Maternal love

  2. Growth

  3. Fertility

  4. Femininity

  5. Nurturing

  6. Replenishing

  7. Child birth

  8. The Divine Feminine

  9. Goddess Practices

Urine also called Chamber Lye in conjure

Use in spells pertaining to:

  1. Protection

  2. Blessing

  3. Good luck (female urine)

  4. To feed mojo bags (female urine)

  5. To dominate

  6. To mark territory


Use in spells pertaining to:

  1. Good luck

  2. To protect and block negative energies

  3. Spit over your left shoulder to cast away evil

  4. To transmit your intent

Sweat (masculine energy)

Use in spells pertaining to:

  1. Sex

  2. Love

  3. Domination

  4. Effort


Use in spells pertaining to:

  1. Emotions

  2. Power

  3. Pain

  4. Renewal

  5. Desire

  6. Need

In addition, all of these fluids are direct links to the person they belong to.

⚠️ Warning! Bodily fluids could transmit illnesses including deadly ones.Use the outmost care when handling these substances.



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