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Ten Nasty Smells that Warn You of Witchcraft


Hello Witches. I want to share with you ten smells that could be associated with hexes, curses, or baneful magic. They can represent the ingredients used in these magical workings against you, and they can also be linked to dark-lower level beings.


This is the most well-known smell associated with cursing or baneful magic. The smell is similar to rotten eggs or burning matches. Sulfur is traditionally used in spells meant to banish, repel, or harm and is associated with evil energies.

How to counteract:  

Perform a cleansing ritual using white sage, palo santo, or frankincense to purify the space and banish negative energy. Burn these herbs or resins while walking through your home or space, visualizing the negative energy leaving.

 How to protect:

Sprinkle salt (preferably black salt or sea salt) around the perimeter of your home and at doorways and windows. Salt is a powerful protector that neutralizes negativity.

 To Reverse:

Prepare a mirror spell to send back any negative energy to the sender. Place a small mirror facing outward near the entry of your home, or carry a small mirror charm. A good example is a Hexenspiegle. (mirror pendant)

Rotting or Decay

If you notice the smell of decay, like rotting meat, garbage, or something sour and putrid without any visible cause, this could suggest the presence of baneful workings. MUERTOS These smells are often linked to spirits or energies that are not good. ATTACHMENTS and ENTIERROS (burials)

How to counteract:

Burn camphor in your space. Create a floor wash using lemon, rosemary, sea salt, and Florida Water. Cleanse the floors and thresholds of your home to remove any lingering hex energy.

 How to protect:

Light a black candle dressed with banishing oil or protection oil. Visualize the flame burning away all negativity and decay. Allow the candle to burn completely.

To Reverse:  

Use a return-to-sender candle (black or red) inscribed with the name of the suspected evildoer. As it burns, visualize the negative energy returning to its source.

Burn Hair, burn smells

These smells can be alarming. It might be linked to curses that involve poppet magic or representations of a person being burned to cause harm.

How to counteract:

Fire cleansing using a charcoal incense burner or fire-safe cauldron. Burn protective herbs like juniper, cedar, bay leaves, rosemary, sage, lavender, basil, peppermint, etc. to transmute and transform the negative energy.

 How to protect:

Place protective amulets around your space, such as black tourmaline and obsidian. Create sigils, Witches' bottles, decoys, etc. Wear protection jewelry, like a Hexenspiegle.

 To Reverse: 

Revocation mirror ritual

Here is the video for you.


The smell of candle burning can warn about candlework done against you.

How to counteract:

Do your own double-action candles

Here is a video for you


This smell can indicate a magical work thrown at you in your home. It can also suggest that someone has put you inside a bottle with feces, usually dog or cat poop. This is to turn your life into crap. To slow you down.

How to counteract:

Use Abre Camino (Road Opener) as incense, and in baths, Bathe with salt, rue, and rosemary, and bathe with Florida water.

To Reverse

A revocation spell. Here is an example.


A sharp, pungent smell of ammonia or urine can be associated with certain types of baneful magic. These are definitely domination spells on you.

How to counteract:

Cleanse your space using holy water and rose water.

It is essential to clean your energy and your Aura to remove any symbolic “marking” of territory.

How to clean your Aura

-Herbs and Smudging

   White Sage: Burning sage (smudging) is a powerful way to cleanse the aura of negative energy and clear away stagnant energy.

   - Palo Santo: Palo Santo has a sweet, uplifting scent that helps to remove negativity and bring in positive energies. It is excellent for both cleansing and protecting the aura.



   - Black Tourmaline: This crystal is known for its grounding and protective properties. It helps to ward off negative energy and protect your aura from psychic attacks or energy vampires.

   - Selenite: Selenite is excellent for clearing and cleansing the aura. It's often used to remove energy blockages and promote a free flow of positive energy.

   - Amethyst: Known for its protective and healing properties, amethyst can help shield the aura from negative influences.

-Salt Baths

   - Epsom Salt or Sea Salt Baths: Taking a bath with Epsom salt, sea salt, or Himalayan salt can help cleanse the aura of negative energy and detoxify both the body and spirit. Adding herbs like rosemary, lavender, or chamomile to the bath can enhance the effect.

-Sound Healing is MY FAVORITE

   Tibetan or Crystal Singing Bowls: These instruments' vibrations help clear energetic blockages and cleanse the aura. The sound waves can raise the vibrational frequency of your aura, repelling negativity.

   - Chanting and Mantras: Repeating protective mantras, such as "Om" or "Om Mani Padme Hum," can help cleanse the aura and maintain its purity.

-Visualization and Meditation


-Essential Oils


How to protect:

Wash your floors and entryways with a mix of vinegar, salt, and a few drops of protective essential oils (like eucalyptus or lavender).

 How to reverse:

Write the names of those suspected of sending the curse on a piece of paper, soak it in vinegar, and then burn it in a fire-safe bowl to reverse their intent.


The scent of vinegar, especially when combined with other pungent herbs, can indicate jinxes or hexes. Like for example, a sour jar. They have you upside down somewhere.

How to counteract:

Perform a spiritual bath using salt, hyssop, rose petals, and basil. Bathe in this mixture while visualizing the removal of negative energies.

Sweet herbs bath: Basil, Peppermint, Rosemary, Chamomile, Lavender

How to protect:  

Carry a charm bag filled with protective herbs like thyme, mint, bay leaves, and a piece of black tourmaline or onyx.

How to reverse:  

Create a mustard seed (yellow kind) protection charm and place it near your home entrance. Mustard seeds are an ally when used for protection and to break curses.

Mold, Dampness

The smell of mildew, mold, or dampness where it shouldn’t be present can sometimes be linked to a buildup of negative energy or a hex that is “festering” in a spiritual sense.

How to counteract:

Smudge the space with sage or cedar and place bowls of salt or charcoal in corners to absorb any negative energy or spiritual "dampness."

 How to protect:

Place sunflower seeds around your home to promote light and positivity and ward off dark or damp energies.

Create protection sigils in your walls using cascarilla.

  To reverse:

Write a petition for cleansing and renewal and send back the evil to its sender. Burn this paper with dried rosemary, thyme, and basil, then throw it away from you.


This stench can indicate that you have been thrown in a sewer or stagnant water.

How to counteract:

Burn Camphor! Use abre camino incense and add abre camino oil to your baths. Bathe with cascarilla soap, Florida water, and salt.

How to protect:

Cleansing of your space, protection, and shielding.

To reverse:

Candle reversal spell or revocation. (please see the linked videos)

Perfumes and body odor:

Amarres love bindings.

How to counteract:

Bitter herbs bath. For example, Rue, Wormwood, Mugwort, Hysop.

How to protect

Cleansing protection and shielding

👉🏻 You can combine any of the cleansing and protecting methods previously discussed for your situation.

My number one go-to element for burning is Camphor, followed by Palo Santo and Sage.

My favorite waters are Holy Water, Florida Water, Alcolado, Rose Water, and Salt Water.

My favorite protection powders are Black Salt, Salt, Cascarilla, Sulfur, Brick Powder, and Red Ochre.

My crystal of choice is Azabache- Jet

My favorite protection charm (so many) Hexenspiegle

My favorite bath salts, my very own Cleansing and Protection Salts

Favorite soaps for cleansing and protection,


While these smells can sometimes indicate hexing or cursing, it’s also important to analyze them rationally. Unpleasant odors can come from many mundane sources, like plumbing issues, electrical faults, or even something trapped in walls or vents. If you suspect you are the victim of a hex or curse, you might consider combining this information with other signs, such as sudden misfortune, feelings of depression and anxiety, unusual patterns of bad luck, or illnesses, before jumping to conclusions.

Always consult your divination tool for clarification.


Keep in mind:

1. Regularly cleanse your home, aura, and personal items with protective herbs, resins, or essential oils.

2. Take spiritual baths with salt, herbs, protective oils, or magic soaps to cleanse yourself of negative energies

3. Shielding and Protection: Create Sigils and charms and visualize shields. Create spiritual barriers and boundaries.

4. Seek Professional Help: If the situation feels beyond your control, consult a trusted spiritual worker, witch, or healer specializing in removing hexes and curses.

5. Knowledge is power; keep learning your craft.

With love,


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